Tuesday, March 31, 2015
"The American people overwhelmingly oppose taxpayer funding of abortions, and it's no different in Arizona, where we have long-standing policy against subsidizing them with public dollars. This legislation provides clarity to state law."Idaho, Utah, both Dakotas, Kansas and Florida are among the group that opted out of providing coverage for abortions. There is a website called Obamacare Abortion that gives a good summary of all states that jumped in on that, and the states that do offer some coverage.
The provision will protect women like the one who recently returned to a Glendale Planned Parenthood office after receiving the first abortion pill to see if she could stop the effects of the deadly medication. Planned Parenthood’s staff misinformed her when they said there was nothing she could do to stop the abortion. Thankfully, the young woman got connected to Dr. Allan Sawyer through the website AbortionPillReversal.com. Dr. Sawyer began the woman on the Abortion Pill Reversal regimen, and today, has a healthy ongoing pregnancy. SB 1318 also ensures taxpayer dollars do not go to the abortion industry by prohibiting medical plans on Arizona’s federally-run health care exchange from offering coverage for elective abortion. The legislation also requires abortion clinics to provide verification to the state that their doctors have proper admitting privileges to Arizona hospitals as prescribed by law as well.The whole idea behind this was that they felt taxpayer money should not go toward abortion coverage.
This bill would require women who are seeking an abortion after being traumatized by rape or incest to share personal, private and emotional information with an insurance company if they want coverage for the procedure. It will force victims to suffer another trauma. Telling my story today was difficult, and I have had years to deal with and recover from the incident. I can’t imagine the position this legislation would put recent victims in if they attempt to get medical care.Jodi Liggett, director of public policy of Planned Parenthood Arizona, on azfamily.com:
We feel that this law enables experimentation upon our patients, quite frankly. I know our doctors are very upset about having to give this information that they don't think is correct that they wouldn't recommend.Here are more abortion coverage restrictions, courtesy of the American Civil Liberties Union.
Tags: abortion , obamacare , affordable care act , arizona , doug ducey , victoria steele , center for arizona policy