Friday, August 12, 2011

Win Tickets to the Wild & Scenic Film Festival!

Posted By on Fri, Aug 12, 2011 at 3:00 PM

The Tucson stop of the Wild & Scenic Film Festival hits the Loft Cinema on August 17th and we have two pair of tickets to give away.

Featuring three films discussing our relationship with the environment and the world around us, the traveling festival has a selection of the movies from the annual festival in Nevada City, California.

We'll draw names on Tuesday the 16th and email the winners.

Discounted tickets are available at Summit Hut, Antigone Books, and the Tucson Audubon Nature Shop or on the festival's site.

More information about the films, courtesy of the festival website, below the cut.

Bag It by Susan Beraza (trailer above):

Try going a day without plastic. In this touching and funny film, we follow “everyman” Jeb as he embarks on a global tour to unravel the complexities of our plastic world. What starts as a film about plastic bags evolves into a wholesale investigation into plastic and its effects on our waterways, oceans, and our bodies. We see how our crazy-for-plastic world has finally caught up to us and what we can do about it.

Witness by Neil Ever Osborne & Chad A. Stevens

“The nature photograph shows a butterfly on a pretty flower. The conservation photograph shows the same thing, but with a bulldozer coming at it in the background.” Jane Goodall, National Geographic’s Michael Nichols and iLCP president Cristina Mittermeier are among those who share their thoughts on the power of photography as an effective conservation tool.

Wild vs. Wall by Steev Hise / Sierra Club

U.S. policies along our southern border are proving ineffective, costly, and harmful to people and the environment. The authority given to the Secretary of Homeland Security by the Real ID Act has been used to waive federal laws along the border so that walls, roads, and other harmful infrastructure are built without regard to environmental protection or public health and safety.

Walking the Line by Jim Karpowicz

What’s is like to walk 500 miles of a proposed transmission line - a line that will run through some of the West’s most remote landscapes? Thru-hiker Adam Bradley journeys to find out how our country’s transition to renewable energy will affect the land, wildlife and people.

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