Friday, August 14, 2015

Tucson Sun Tran Strikers: Day 9 in Images

Posted By on Fri, Aug 14, 2015 at 2:11 PM

I've been hanging out with the Sun Tran strikers at the Ronstadt Transit Center, listening to the reasons they're so passionate about this protest. I met Kirk, who's been a bus driver for six years, and he told me about the time he was stabbed twice in the chest while on the job. Across the street, there was Julie, a Tucsonan who relies on the bus to get to work. Her route is among the more than 30 not in circulation at the moment, which caused her to lose her job. She will not be able to pay rent and fears being evicted.

We'll have a story on what we've been hearing from many of you out there on next week's issue. But here are some photographs I took this morning.

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