Thursday, November 7, 2013

Justin Bieber Likes to Tag and Sleep With Prostitutes?

Posted By on Thu, Nov 7, 2013 at 12:00 PM

Maybe a night in jail will do Justin Bieber some good?

BBC Radio 1 Newsbeat reported that the 19 year-old pop star had been charged with "defacing a building or urban monument by graffiti or other means" outside of a hotel in Brazil. Apparently, Bieber had permission from the city to tag a certain area but he decided to draw where he wasn't supposed to avoid his fans.

He posted this picture of himself drawing what looks like one of those "blackface" cartoons.

A video of a women leaving Bieber sound asleep in his hotel went viral this morning. 

Not a good day for Bieber or his fans. Keep your chin up, Bieber. Things will get better.

(via Gawker)

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