Friday, August 10, 2012

Yes, Everyone Thinks Arizona's Hot, Racist and Crazy

Posted By on Fri, Aug 10, 2012 at 3:00 PM

What four words would you guess the English speaking world most often uses to complete this question?

Why is Arizona so...?


Yep, according to a super-scientific survey of Google's auto-complete feature, blogger Renee DiResta developed a map compiling the top responses for the question "Why is [state] so...?" and of course, the top responses for Arizona include racist, crazy, and hot. To be fair, most states, when using this particular metric, don't come across so great: Tennessee is stupid, Utah is weird, Pennsylvania is haunted, apparently. However, it would be nice if something positive came through, but at least we beat out Arkansas, a state so defined by being poor, that no other auto-complete suggestion is even made on the Googler's behalf.

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