Member since Dec 21, 2012


  • Posted by:
    Matthew Ribarich on 06/15/2016 at 5:01 AM
    "We can take cold comfort in the gun death rates in El Salvador and Mexico, which are considerably higher than ours. But Chile's rate is less than half what ours is, and Israel's is a quarter our rate".

    So maybe we should ban people from El Salvador and Mexico, because they either don't respect a gun or their neighbors, because they never went through an anger management class? And allow more Chileans and Israeli's because they have control over their anger, respect what a gun can do and respect more of their own neighbors? There is a correlation between those in Beverly Hills and those in the poorer parts of town and how each handles a firearm and respects their neighbors!
  • Posted by:
    Matthew Ribarich on 09/23/2014 at 5:35 AM
    Oh yea great idea! And what was the definition of insanity, again? Doing the same thing and expecting different results? Why, oh why does ideology make more sense then rational judgement to some?
  • Posted by:
    Matthew Ribarich on 07/15/2014 at 7:20 PM
    What a bunch of crap, no wonder the country is in a world of hurt.
    ! Notice the biased reporting shows the Mariachis in a simple setting playing. Not where they purposefully drove through a crowd of protestors (let me explain) the protestors parted like the Red Sea thing so they could drive down the road past where the Protestors were. Then they decided to pull a typical racist, in your face protest by gathering and now pushing their way through protestors who were singing America the Beautiful and saying the Pledge of allegiance, while playing their instruments. It would be wrong for the other group to do that, too! Why doesn't someone with an ounce of brains tell them that is not responsible, UNLESS you are wanting to START a FIGHT! Next time maybe you ought to have an intelligent correspondent that can count beyond 100.
    Regarding the Sheriff, he requested information from the Fed Gov and because this administration doesn't like him, they did not respond to either verbal or written requests to clarify some issues regarding checking for Physical illnesses and determining whether anyone was a gang member. Your version of reality is an embarrassment to adult journalism!
  • Posted by:
    Matthew Ribarich on 09/19/2013 at 7:26 PM
    Re: “Best Pope Ever?
    Use to attend Mass? What value are your views when you do not value Keep Holy the Lord's Day. In a way it sounds like you are an unrighteous Bigot. If you knew the Catholic Church and what it has taught for close to 2,000 years you would still be there. A person does not leave a Church because they were not entertained or because they were preached to in a way they did not like or want. You go to Mass to WORSHIP, it is not about you or me, it is ALL about Him who died on the cross for you and me, Worship, just Worship!
  • Posted by:
    Matthew Ribarich on 08/28/2013 at 6:21 AM
    Thank God I live in a Conservative neighborhood. About 2 months ago I collected signatures to recall both. only one couple refused and one ex Nam vet refused to sign the McCain one for that reason only! All the others on the entire street gladly signed both, gladly signed and were very upset with Flake especially.
  • Posted by:
    Matthew Ribarich on 08/27/2013 at 3:55 PM
    Flake you chose to go the McCain RINO route and as a result lost any credibility and lost any future support from a large portion of your constituents. You seem as a turncoat self focused politician. You did not cheat on your wife, but you did cheat on thousands of people who trusted you. You have no idea how many women cried and said I donated, and put up signs for him because I believed in him, NO MORE. Mr McCain your time to serve was in the past, because now it is scary to most to painfully watch a hero of the past, say and vote for the ridiculous agendas you now champion. Both of you fail miserably as public servants, by shielding yourselves from the public you were put into office to represent and serve. Invitation ONLY townhall meeting, you both need to be replaced by individual willing to serve not be served.
  • Posted by:
    Matthew Ribarich on 07/26/2013 at 3:40 PM
    Re: “Mailbag
    American Overlook

    BREAKING NEWS: A "Reverse George Zimmerman" case proves that our justice system is not racist.

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    An African American was Recently Acquitted for Shooting White Teenager [CLICK HERE]
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