Last week, a bunch of Weekly staffers and contributors got together for a brief brainstorming session to start the 25th anniversary issue planning process. A lot of great ideas were flying around, and many of those ideas had a common theme: reader involvement.
If you have any ideas for the issue, please let us know; any and all feedback is appreciated. In particular, we're interested in:
• Talking to some people who are the same age as the Weekly. If you know of any native Tucsonans born in early 1984--especially on Feb. 22, the date of the Weekly's first issue--have them get in touch. The same goes for Tucsonans born 25, 50 and 75 years before--in early 1959, 1934 and 1909.
• Hearing about any particular memories you may have of the Weekly. Is there anything we've done that you've absolutely loved--or loathed--or just found particularly memorable?
• Hearing about the most important things to happen in Tucson over the last quarter-century.
• Learning any thoughts or predictions you may have about what Tucson and the world will be like when we celebrate our 50th anniversary, in February 2034.
This is just a start, of course, and we'll be talking a lot more about our silver anniversary plans in these pages as the months progress. In the meantime ... thank you in advance for your help!