An Ode to Street Art: Bello Rodeo exhibition opens at Artemizia Foundation

Beginning this month, the Artemizia Foundation Museum of Contemporary, Graffiti and Street Art (AF) will be displaying a new exhibition by pseudonymous street artist Stikki Peaches titled “Bello Rodeo.”

The exhibit is an ode to pop culture, nostalgia and street art, where muses from iconic films and music are transported to the dusty, dry plains of the Old West. This will also be the first time Stikki Peaches has attended an exhibition opening. For the special occasion, “Bello Rodeo” merchandise, catalogs and signed posters will be available for purchase along with original artwork. Unveiling at the time of “Bello Rodeo,” AF will be sharing its newest permanent installation at the museum: a replica of Stikki Peaches’ studio in Montreal complete with an original piece featuring Jean-Michel Basquiat.

The Montreal-based artist will be in attendance for the May 25 exhibition opening from 1 to 4 p.m. to meet museum- goers, but will be wearing a one-of-a-kind mask to keep his identity hidden.

“Bello Rodeo” is a perfect fit to the AF, where street art and contemporary art are most prized. Founded in 2019 by artist, collector and entrepreneur Sloane Bouchever, the AF seeks to inspire, educate and provoke. The name Artemizia comes from 17th-century artist Artemisia Gentileschi, who is best known for her art that fought inequality and reshaped what it means to be an underrepresented artist. AF dedicates its mission to social justice and empowerment through art, giving artists a platform to share their work.

“There’s such a vibrant art community in Brisbee, with lots of art galleries downtown, which is why Brisbee is such a great location for Artemizia Foundation,” AF director Sloane Bouchever said. “From Warhol to Banksy, we carry so many different pieces for so many different kinds of people that have an appreciation for art. Most people think of graffiti as tagging buildings, but street artists today like Banksy or Stikki Peaches have really blown the door open to show that street art is political and aesthetically beautiful. Our collection is one that is hard for people to believe exists outside of places like New York or London — if people in the area haven’t visited us yet that aren’t sure they like contemporary art, it’s still so much fun to just look at the pieces we have on exhibition or in our permanent collection.”

click to enlarge An Ode to Street Art: Bello Rodeo exhibition opens at Artemizia Foundation
(Artemizia Foundation/Submitted)
Stikki Peaches in his studio.

“To have an artist exhibition of Stikki’s caliber is so exciting,” Bouchever continued. “Stikki has never been over to southwest America and has never before been at the opening of an exhibition. This is also the first time his work has been exhibited in the southwest — there are so many ‘firsts’ with ‘Bello Rodeo.’ Stikki is so immersed in the art world, and this is going to be a very beautifully curated show. I think the chance to meet a major street artist and to see their work up close and personal is going to be an outstanding opportunity for folks to experience something really new and powerful.”

From the artist himself, Stikki Peaches wrote that viewers of “Bello Rodeo” should “... picture Billie Holiday strumming guitars alongside Amy Winehouse, Audrey Hepburn as the fearless outlaw, Clint Eastwood as the enigmatic gunslinger, and Johnny Cash as the wandering troubadour. As the sun sets on the frontier, these icons find themselves thrust into a tale of lust, vengeance and redemption. The scenery ignites with a fusion of grit and glamor, where the lines between hero and outlaw blur in a symphony of cinematic mastery. Against the backdrop of the sweeping countryside and haunting melodies, they must confront their demons and forge unlikely alliances to survive these ruthless landscapes, leaving audiences spellbound by the timeless allure of fame and fortune in the Old West.”

To explore more of Stikki Peaches’ artwork, visit the artist’s website at

For more information about the Artemizia Foundation and ticket prices for the “Bello Rodeo” exhibit, visit

Bello Rodeo
WHEN: May 25-July 14, opening exhibition Saturday, May 25 from 1-4 p.m.
WHERE: Artemizia Foundation, 818 Tombstone Canyon, Bisbee
COST: $10