
Jazz Standard Deviation

What's the point of being blessed with exceptional talent if it's purposely laid aside?
David McElfresh


Of all of the traveling summer festival tours, the Lilith Fair is arguably the most broadly defined and eclectic in terms of musical sensibilities.
Lisa Weeks

Rhythm & Views

Little Cesar and the Romans, Sonny Rollins, Beenie Man.

Club Listings

What's happening at Tucson night spots for the week of July 2 - July 8, 1998.


A complete list of TAMMIES award honorees, the Tucson Area's most acclained musicians and bands. Also visit the Tucson Musican's Register, a guide to all that is the local Tucson music scene.

Music Bin

A fabulous collection of reviews and articles by the Tucson Weekly staff of highly trained experts. And we've got links to all kinds of cool online music sites.

Talk Back

Musicians, fans, people who have rhythm, or those who merely purchase it--lend us your words. We're also looking for tips on the local club scene, such as it is.

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