Best of Tucson 95

Best Place To See A Shoplifter Chased Down The Street

CAT'S MEOW: Ask any cop who patrols the East Speedway beat and he'll tell you that Zia Record Exchange, 3370 E. Speedway, is loathe to let its merchandise leave the premises without a receipt. On just one recent afternoon while shopping for Yanni CDs we witnessed: one sad young lady carried away in handcuffs (for attempting to pawn stolen merchandise); one surly minor busted and awaiting an old-fashioned tongue-lashing whenever his parents might show up to retrieve him; and a pair of dubious characters, pockets bulging with merchandise, hauling ass across the Rancho Center parking lot and down Speedway almost to Alvernon Way, six Zia clerks in hot pursuit (the finale included police dogs, much swearing and a physical denouement too bloodily gruesome to describe here). Okay, okay, here's our money for Yanni! On second thought, let us pay you for it twice!

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