
Polyglot Perfection

Official English was a bad idea promulgated by narrow-minded people ignorant of America's heritage.
Jeff Smith

The Skinny

Linda McCartney's death certificate should be a matter of public record...An apparently chintzy, vindictive City Attorney's Office tries to stiff an opponent for chump change...Plus more!

Lucky 13!

Pardon us while we perform some pointless self-puffery.
The Editors

Fire Him

Amphi High baseball coach Danny Hernandez knew the rules and broke 'em anyway. Now he's playing more complicated games, and it's time the dysfunctional school district dumped him.
An Editorial

Homo Sapiens Stupidus?

Humans will spend more in one day on this summer's sci-fi blockbuster movies than they'll spend in a decade to keep their home planet safe from killer comets and asteroids. Go figure.
Dan Huff

Cloudy Horizon

Critics say Civano, the so-called "solar village" southeast of Tucson, isn't living up to their expectations.
Dave Devine

Owl Play

The endangered pygmy owl finally has its day in court.
Jim Nintzel

Who's Killing Home Health?

Political infighting, egomania, and a grab for state and federal healthcare bucks is ruining a perfectly good wefare program.
Emil Franzi

Talk Back

Miffed at Smith? Scratch your chinny at The Skinny? Don't let things fester--get them off your chest here.

This Modern World

An off-site link to Tom Tomorrow's fabulous political cartoon.

Jim Hightower

An off-site link to the home page of Jim Hightower, whose populist musings often appear in the Weekly.

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