
Train Wrecked

The Kindertransport was a heroic effort to get the children of German Jews out of harm's way. Kindertransport, the searing play on the boards at Invisible Theatre, looks at the emotional costs to the children.
Margaret Regan

Castillian Coup

Borderlands' latest production is a challenging bit of theatre. But then, the multicultural, nonprofit arts organization has never shied away from difficult themes.
Mari Wadsworth

Hospitable Takeover

Why is it that every time our food maven hears a new restaurant described as "perfect for the whole family," she cringes?
Rebecca Cook

A Date With BOB

Our sports guy saw BOB the other day. It says "Hi."
Tom Danehy

Desert Links

DesertNet's collection of some of the Southwest's best websites and resources.

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Tell us what's hot and what's shot on the local arts scene. We're looking for your views on visual, theatrical, dance and God only knows what else created by the more refined souls among us.

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