Best Conjecture

STAFF PICK: One fine Friday we were stuck at the stoplight at Campbell Avenue and Speedway waiting to resume our southbound journey when we observed, to our left, a man in his mid-s40s engage in conversation the dusty, somewhat haggard-looking chap manning his favorite solicitation post. Abruptly and without seeming cause, the man leapt up, waved his placard in the air, and unleashed the most fearsome volley of obscenities we'd heard since Madonna appeared on David Letterman. Even we would not deign to reprint the various slurs, mother/animal metaphors, and unpleasantries exchanged. But the incident does suggest that people drive in Tucson with their windows rolled up for a reason. We're not sure if the incidents are related, but a few days later there was a letter in the daily paper from a man who'd offered homeless men at medians temporary employment only to be met with strong verbal rebukes.

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