Best Knish

STAFF PICK: Hey, it ain't New York down here, but we got some things pretty close to right. Over on East Fifth Street, we got us a good Jewish Deli called Feig's, which has got your basic assortment of deli products and merchandise. Might we suggest a table near da window and one of their finest (New York imported) potato knishes, with a dollop of real brown mustard and a cold bottle of Dr. Brown's? Feig's knishes are flaky and golden on da outside and flavorfully dense on da inside, just the way God intended. Eat one and see what it feels like to swallow a bocce ball. It'll stick to your ribs all right, baby, and maybe take a few of them down with it. Just don't eat one before dinner or your mom will hit you in the head with her rolling pin and ask "Mah-neeshtanah ha layla hazeh?"

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