April 20 - April 26, 1995

The Truth Forsooth

Here's Mikey's view of the truth. He's being questioned by, as usual, attorney Bill Hanson. Hanson has questioned Boyd about how evasive former County Administrator Manoj Vyas was during an interview with KUAT-TV, Channel 6's Peggy Giddings:

Q: Would it be fair for the jury to conclude in this case, as a representative of the community here, that Mr. Vyas was not forthright in responding to that question, given the facts as he obviously knew them to be the first time he was asked that question in that segment? That's the question.

BOYD: I think he answered the question in a way that Mr. Vyas often does. Wordy, circuitous, not often quick with answers, and gave an answer that I thought to be truthful and forthright. You're insinuating he was lying, and I am not.

Q: And you're satisfied with that characterization?

BOYD: Well, I think forthright, not being forthright, is another way of saying lying. And I don't think he was lying.

Q: Well, he didn't say the truth at any point early in the questioning

on that point, did he?

BOYD: Where does it say he has to?


Mikey Fails To Follow

Through Again

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April 20 - April 26, 1995

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