Member since Jul 29, 2010


  • Posted by:
    tjr on 07/29/2010 at 12:26 PM
    Re: “On the Edge
    Glad to see this article since the ties between Jan Brewer and the privatized CAA prisons were brought to light yesterday. I was around when the state hospitals dumped everyone into the streets. Community care was supposed to take care of them. We can see how well that worked.

    Now in AZ the state and federally funded Community Health clinics are dumping them on the street too. Be ready for more homeless and guess where most wind up? In prison.

    To hand people pages of phone numbers and say "Well, there you go" and send them packing is outrageous. That is what the 'transition' was like for me. I am having a difficult time but imagine those who are psychotic or schizophrenic and now off their regular meds and on some other generics (Risperdal is horrid by the way so I feel for the woman above).

    Those who can't care for themselves have been pulled out of group homes. No case managers (like they even had any where I went for the past few years... a joke), no services.

    Jan Brewer and her CAA cohorts have much to gain by doing this. It's unfortunate that we are all left in the dust and ignored while all anyone seems to be able to talk about is SB 1070.

    Who is going to go out and march and protest and hold vigils for us?