The Time Machine

The word "remake" is taken to a whole new level as everything from Back to the Future to Planet of the Apes and Waterworld is reflected in this illogical adaptation of H.G. Wells' classic sci-fi novel. Guy Pearce plays a love struck 19th-century absent-minded science professor out to avenge the wrongful death of his fiancée, but instead saves a canyon colony 800,000 years into the future from murderous sand monsters that are controlled by an albino version of the sychlos from Battlefield Earth. Elements such as a holographic compendium of all human knowledge and futuristic New Yorkers skilled in bamboo-scaffold construction are included in a meek attempt to explain the many incoherencies. However, it all just boils down to the fact that writer-director Simon Wells has developed no work of his own here, but rather a twisted mish-mash of everyone else's work before him.

The Time Machine is not showing in any theaters in the area.


  • Simon Wells


  • Guy Pearce
  • Samantha Mumba
  • Mark Addy
  • Sienna Guillory
  • Phyllida Law
  • Alan Young
  • Omero Mumba
  • Yancey Arias
  • Orlando Jones
  • Jeremy Irons


  • John Logan
  • Walter F. Parkes
  • David Valdes
  • Laurie MacDonald
  • Arnold Leibovit
  • Jorge Saralegui
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