Apparently, in South Africa, some men have created a competitive sport out of wearing clothes. Seriously. They put on nice suits and then do some catwalk moves in them, and then somebody decides who had the nicest suit, and the winner gets a watch or something. And they call themselves Swenkas. In this strange, kind of boring and somewhat baffling documentary, young Sabelo, whose father founded the Swenka group in Johannesburg, tries to decide what to do with his life after his father passes away. Theres an incredible amount of tremendously annoying, Philip Glass-esque music by Povl Kristian, and a gratingly slow and wise-sounding voiceover in Zulu, but theres also an intense sense of mystery to the whole thing. After watching it, I have no idea whats up with the Swenkas. Sadly, I didnt much care, either.