This is a past event.

The Rock and Jesse Rosales present manhigh, Bury Me Alive, Pyrotechnica, By the Gods, Lethean, Elyzian, and Ash To Dust

The Rock and Jesse Rosales present manhigh, Bury Me Alive, Pyrotechnica, By the Gods, Lethean, Elyzian, and Ash To Dust live Friday, February 21, 2020.

. Doors open at 5:30 p.m. with all ages are welcome. $10 at the door and children 12 and under get in free. Bar access will be restricted and must have I.D.

. Show is sponsored by 7 Heads Printing, Cranium Radio, and Deer Camp

  • The Rock

    136 N. Park Ave., Tucson Central


    1 event 3 articles