The Online Muckraker's Guide

Internet public access is an investigator's free-for-all.

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Say what you will about the government, but if there's one thing that's great about America, and particularly Arizona, it's online access to information.

Here, you'll find a comprehensive list of Web sites that have been used to dig up innumerable slingable clumps of political mud, from Sen. Thayer Verschoor's Neo-nazi nephew to "America's Toughest Sheriff" Joe Arpaio's federal tax ID.

These links will allow you to check the backgrounds of anyone in the state, to research and stay up-to-date with any issue, and to entertain yourself for hours. We've only included the most useful free searches; this is only the beginning.

Happy Hunting.


Arizona Find It

A crap-shoot everything-in-one government document search provided by the Arizona State Library and Archives. Expect pages and pages of useless files.

Arizona Department of Administration State Employee Search

If your taxes pay his/her salaries, you can find him/her. Don't expect accuracy: It still lists Arizona Chris Cummiskey as a senator (ironically, he is now the state government information technology agency director). And as far as the search is concerned, our senior writer's brother, Doug Nintzel, at ADOT doesn't exist at all.


Pima County Sheriff's Inmate Lookup

Not really a search, but this alphabetic list will let you know who's locked up locally, complete with booking number, charges and bonds.

Tucson Neighborhood Crime Stats from the TUPD

One of the all-time neatest sites in Tucson, it allows you to search your neighborhood's police record. Set the parameters, and you can find out how many times the police have been called out for everything from dog-biting to purse-snatching to homicide. For example, around the Tucson Weekly building, the cops were called out 18 times on false security alarms.

Tucson Accidents Per Intersection

It's just like the previous search, but this one is limited to stupid drivers.

Arizona Department of Corrections Inmate Locator

It helps if you don't type in the first initial. Once you've found your listing, click on "Additional Info," because sometimes you can find a mugshot. This database includes everyone who is or ever has been incarcerated in a state facility. Make sure you select male or female, active or inactive. (For death row listings:

US Bureau of Prisons Inmate Locator

And if they're not locked up locally, try the federal prisons. You need to type in both first and last name, but everything else is unnecessary.

Arizona Department of Public Safety Sex Offender Search

Here's how it works: Type in your address and click enter. Whoever has the least amount of sex offenders in his/her neighborhood wins. You can also search by name of the offender. This is probably the only criminal search that provides addresses and mugshots.

The Pampered Prisoner--National Inmate Locator Links

Through this Web site, you can link to the web sites of corrections departments in all 50 states, many of which have inmate locators. (While you're there, you can look at the photos of inmates who looking for pen-pal soulmates. But if you really want to date a prisoner try the far superior site


Tucson Court Date finder

This is where you can search by defendant's name for dates and times of city court appearances.

Pima County Superior Court - Calendar Search

And here is where you can search by name for dates and times of county court appearances.

Clerk o' the Court's Record Search

This is what you can use to find out whether the person you're investigating has ever been involved in any legal issues.

Arizona Supreme Court's Public Access Records Search

This will search records from several different courts, the list of which grows every year. With more common names, you will need to type in last name and first initial. Keep in mind they often spell first names incorrectly. You can also search by business name.


Arizona Corporation Commission Records Searches
Corporation Look-up:
Annual Report Search:

Listen up, anti-capitalists: This is your No. 1 tool for tracking down evil factoids about local corporations.

U.S. Security & Exchange Commission Searches

A variety of searches that cover corporations across the nation.

Pima County Recorder's Office Document Search

A surprisingly confusing and uninformative listing of recorded documents (deed trusts, war deeds, liens and what not) you can't view online.

Elections/Campaign Finance

Arizona Secretary of State Campaign Finance and Committee/Candidate Search

Unlike in Maricopa County, there's no way to look up local campaign finance records in Pima County, so you're limited to statewide races. This is a way to find out how much money state candidates have, who gave it to them and how they spent it. This Web site also lists address and phone numbers for candidates (and therefore your current elected officials) and committee chairmen.

Arizona Secretary of State Lobbyist Look up

Search for lobbyists and find out whose pockets they stuffed.

Federal Election Commission Campaign Finance Searches

A way to find out much money individuals, corporation and PACs contributed to federal candidates. Several searches are available.

Laws and Legislation

Arizona Legislature Bill Search

Use phrases, ARS numbers, names and anything else to search for what bills are being heard or were heard in a given year. You can bring up text, summaries, votes and committee meeting minutes.

Arizona Revised Statutes/Constitution Search

If you're looking for information about state laws, use phrases to find the exact language.

U.S. Congressional Bill search

Everything you need to track down federal bills, where they are, when they're scheduled, who voted for what, etc.


Tucson Water Quality

If you can find yourself on the map, you can find what's coming out of the tap.

Various Arizona Department of Agriculture Searches

General searches including pesticide registration, licensed pesticide sellers, licensed aerial applicators. Also a bunch of fertilizer and feed distributors.


Arizona Department of Education Charter School Search

General search for general information about charter schools

Arizona School Report Cards

Get PDFs about your kid's school. The Web site tends to glitch up; be prepared to restart.

People Who Want Your Money

Telephone Solicitor Search

This search tells you exactly how to call or pound on the doors of those assholes who call you during dinner.

Charitable Organization Search

This search tells you exactly how to call or pound on the doors of those nice people who call you during dinner.

License Look Ups
Use these to find out if the professional you're dealing with is licensed and whether there've been any problems with the license.

Department of Insurance License Lookup

Department of Liquor License Lookup

Arizona State Board of Accountancy License Lookup

Department of Real Estate License Lookup

State Health Professionals Lookup

This Web site is not limited to MDs. Use it to check on health care professionals, where they were educated and what legal actions have been taken against them.

Arizona State Bar Member Finder

If you know the name of an attorney you can go to this Web site to find the attorney's phone number.


There are complicated map sites that allow you find out what's on a property and who the hell owns it.

Tucson City Scan

Tucson Commercial Properties

City Owned Property

Development Search


See who owes money under the Uniform Commercial Code

Lien search

Other State Searches

Arizona Library and Archives Photo Search

Not that you necessarily want to, but if you ever want to find old historical Arizona photos, including old politicians, do so here. For example, 97-8575.jpg is a picture of a publicity stunt with Barry Goldwater climbing into F100 airplane, possibly the inspiration for Bush's flight jacket photo op.

Arizona Department of Commerce's Film Professional Search

Put me in your movie! Be in my movie! Be my best boy! Rent me some explosives!

General People Searches

The Ultimate White Pages

The most amazing Web site ever. It allows you to search six phone-listing sites from one hub and without retyping the participant's contact info. It also features two reverse white pages you can use for tracking your *69s.

Qwest Local Phone Book

This Web site is the Internet equivalent of the white pages and yellow pages.

Who Owes You Money?

Unclaimed property and money that might've been left to you in some long lost relative's will. Don't expect millions, but you might have $50 or so coming to you.