Member since Jul 30, 2010


  • Posted by:
    ThatsMyDogg on 07/30/2010 at 12:32 PM
    Re: “Guest Commentary
    Bottom line is ALL Illegal Immigrants knowingly and willfully broke US law by crossing into this country without taking the proper steps. And no one cannot dispute this. That is why we have people dying in an unforgiving and punishing desert. The author of this article is a bleeding heart and thank goodness they only rent houses and are not in government. What is so hard with compliance of US LAWS regarding immigration and entry into this country? And those Americans who openly promote and encourage the breaking of FEDERAL LAW and our CONSTITUTION are traitors to this country. But of course they are quick to hide behind the 1st amendment of that very same Constitution they advocate noncompliance. Incredible. I fully support SB1070 and stand behind the Governor as she fights this liberal marxist administration and openly call for Arizonans to vote out those who oppose this fight or encourage harm to our state, like Raul Grijalva who called for an economic boycott of our great state. Tick-tock, tick-tock... November is fast approaching.