Member since Jul 30, 2015


  • Posted by:
    Terry Finefrock on 07/30/2015 at 1:23 PM
    Re: “Solar Fight
    TEP is being very misleading, and the article requires clarification....under CURRENT Net Metering rules the customer generated energy that is not used a the precise moment its generated is sold by TEP at the FULL RETAIL RATE at which the generating customer is CREDITED at that retail rate to another customer likely less than a couple of blocks away...the generating customer uses ALL energy they generate/are credited on an annual basis, else TEP buys the credit at their wholesale rate, about 4c/kwh...TEP and the article also fail to disclose, acknowledge how local solar generation avoids-decreases costs for fuel, emissions, transmission infrastructure that TEP charges its customers, and the loss of BILLIONS of gallons of potable water whose alternative water sources cost 10-50x greater than current source and will be paid for by water ratepayers. TEP's sole motivation is to retain sales, profits....not do what's best for all Customers and our community...part of the blame lies with ACC Rate structure, pay profit as a percent of cost, incites utility cost increases vs. decreases.