Supermencsh: The Legend of Shep Gordon

Mike Myers makes his directorial debut with this love letter to his pal (and manager), talent agent Shep Gordon. Gordon cut his teeth in the industry managing Alice Cooper, whom he met shortly after being punched in the face by Janis Joplin at the Landmark Hotel. There are some cool revelations, including the fact that the "near plane crash" scene in "Almost Famous" was actually based on a real-life event that happened to Gordon and Cooper. Other clients and pals interviewed in the movie include Sylvester Stallone, Anne Murray and Michael Douglas. They all seem to really love this guy, who certainly has lived a crazy life. Myers has a quick cut style that relies heavily on home video footage. It's nothing innovative (and some fake dubbing is annoying), but his subject is certainly a captivating one that moves the film along at an entertaining pace. The guy actually managed Groucho Marx for a spell. He was managing Groucho Marx and Alice Cooper at the same time, and then he started managing Anne Murray … yes, Anne Murray. He engineered the legendary picture of Anne Murray hanging out with John Lennon and The Monkees, and then he booked her on "Midnight Special." That's just pure crazy. Gordon's story seems impossible, but it's all true, and Myers has a blast telling it.

Supermencsh: The Legend of Shep Gordon is not showing in any theaters in the area.

Cast information not available at this time.
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