Member since May 23, 2012


  • Posted by:
    Super_Doodles on 05/23/2012 at 10:21 PM
    To disliker of comments: Do you dislike my comment because it the truth and there is no factual or logical basis against? I merely am trying to assuage any doubt in the requirements of a person to hold the office of Commander in Chief. Americans have a right now, and the Freedom of Information Act puts the burden of proof on the government to prove the validity and withholding that information is cause for investigation into the matter. The birth certificate of our President is not a valid threat to national security, and he waived privacy rights by making "a copy" available to the public. The only question that remains, aside from the validity of the birth certificate provided, is "Why has this investigation not happened yet?"
  • Posted by:
    Super_Doodles on 05/23/2012 at 9:07 PM
    Judith: in an effort to debunk your 8th grade civics lesson, the statute is that the President must be born to TWO American citizens in the nation. It does provide for those being born overseas to an American, but also disqualifies those that are born a natural citizen and are eligible for dual-citizenship, "those owing allegiance to a sovereign nation". You won't find that text in the Constitution, but rather as a record referring to the statute, "as it says in clear language in the Constitution". Either way, he was born to a father that owes allegiance to the British Empire passing along that allegiance. Perhaps you have been wrong about those defending the security of this nation as the founding fathers saw fit
  • Posted by:
    Super_Doodles on 05/23/2012 at 8:50 PM
    It is a Constitutional right to be on the ballot and meeting the requirements of office is not a valid reason to not be placed on the ballot. The title of the article is opposite to what it says in the article. That is called propaganda, as it is twisting of the truth in order to further political means. Learn your stuff people. Try to be informed and you will be, but not by reading other's biased remarks. This being a news agency, should not add political rhetoric, nor provide an opinion. That is the job "news commentators", such as Rush, Beck, Hannity, and O'Reilly. If you need to, consult the opposite view, and pull the similarities of the articles to ascertain facts and do not feel the way a news agency, or news commentator for that matter, tells you to or that you should feel. Come to those conclusions on your own, as that is what our military fights for and gives their lives to defend.