I saw the previews for this, and couldnt believe the film could be as bad as the advance word (0 percent on Rottentomatoes.com as of our press deadline). Its actually worse. Steve Zahn plays a wildlife-show host who, in an effort to avoid cancellation, sets out to find bigfoot. Along the way, he and his crew (consisting of big talent like Jonah Hill and Justin Long) have dumb-assed adventures. The film starts off OK enough, but it spirals downward at a rate so dramatic that it actually qualifies as one of the worst comedies Ive ever seen. By the time the cast members threw up in a sharks mouth, I was near death. This film is living proof that Zahn, Long and Hill can look badso bad that you may wonder why you ever laughed at them in the first place. This sets back a number of promising comedy careers.