Spirit: Stallion of the Cimarron

A wild mustang is captured, tortured, starved and enslaved by the U.S. Army in this animated feature film that looks like a Crayola-colored animal-focused G-rated kids' flick, but has a dark, violent and abusive R-rated adult subject matter. During the 1800s American macho men of the armed forces took equine POWs as slave labor to build a transcontinental railway. This 80-minute DreamWorks production portrays a majestic and defiant stallion of the Cimarron herd as an example of this malicious incident, aka PETA's worst nightmare. Sure there are cute little horsies drawn in pretty colors that gallop to an ear-catching soundtrack, but this is not a film for children, despite how the twisted Hollywood movie lords are marketing it. So, parents beware! There is very little dialogue, cruel undertones, and above all, advanced moral and ethical principles that 7-year-olds won't understand and shouldn't even be exposed to in the first place.

Spirit: Stallion of the Cimarron is not showing in any theaters in the area.

Cast information not available at this time.
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