Member since Jun 6, 2010


  • Posted by:
    rward46 on 06/06/2010 at 5:56 PM
    Re: “And They're Off!
    It is true that Bennett has, like all Republican legislature, serve public office to use tax payers dollars for their own ends, and being a competent is not a requirement for office. There is no question that Sam has a leg up on Mr. Bennett for Secretary of State. He has garnered finances and endorsement to mount an aggressive and winning campaign. As Secretary of State, his military training in leadership at the Air Force Academy, his business acumen as a small business man, and political savvy by working in the Governor Napolitano administration as Real Estate Commissioner, will lead to his success. The key to his election to SOS, is that he is has not personally benefited by his office and has been very competent caring his public service