Red Dawn

The remake of Red Dawn makes a big change: Since the Soviet Union is no longer our national nemesis, the villain is now a strange collaboration between North Korea and China, and the imminent threat of a North Korean invasion is so unrealistic that the movie kind of comes unglued early. Chris Hemsworth is an impressive specimen, but as the leader of a rag-tag bunch of teenagers and 20-somethings fighting the invaders, he’s limited here to glowering and shouting. Most of his outbursts are aimed at his younger brother, played by Josh Peck, notable here for giving Taylor Lautner a run for his money in the Worst Young Actor department. As an action movie, this leaves a lot to be desired, and as a remake, it’s more pointless even after you see it.

Red Dawn is not showing in any theaters in the area.

Cast information not available at this time.
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