Member since May 18, 2011


  • Posted by:
    rainfog on 05/27/2012 at 11:41 PM
    It's probably more likely that giving someone a bottle of liquor will cause a death by drunk driving, than giving someone a gun will cause any deaths - ESPECIALLY when the person receiving the gun has to go through security checks, be of age, not have any criminal record, yada yada. I think you're trying to cry wolf when there is no wolf.
  • Posted by:
    rainfog on 10/31/2011 at 1:47 PM
    Why are you gloating over bad publicity for a restaurant because of some stupid thing one of their employees did? Are you trying to bankrupt the place or put its other employees out of jobs? This was the action of one person, NOT supported or decided or controlled by the restaurant. If some guy exposed himself during a dinner party at your house, should everyone attending the party ostracize you the rest of your life for the perp's actions?
  • Posted by:
    rainfog on 10/10/2011 at 10:09 AM
    Just the title of this article..."Stupid Christian..." shows the author's bias and his immediate assumption that he is better than Christians. Mr. Gibson should be bright enough to know that if one person or one church announces that they want to hand out Bibles for Halloween or whatever reason, that does NOT speak for the entire Christian community which is worldwide and millions strong. And why is handing out a Bible stupid anyway? It's a classic book read around the world. But then we need to stop and consider the source -- Mr. Gibson only writes for THE RANGE and shouldn't be taken seriously as a reporter.
  • Posted by:
    rainfog on 10/03/2011 at 8:50 AM
    Why does it matter who has more money? Does that mean they have rich friends and won't care as much about the "little people" once elected? Does it mean they are smooth talkers and can sucker anyone out of a buck? Does it mean they're from a wealthy family who is supporting them? Does more money equate to a better candidate? Remember that the poor runt of the litter often ends up being the best dog.
  • Posted by:
    rainfog on 08/15/2011 at 8:56 PM
    THANK YOU for the DQ announcement! I work west of downtown and didn't know the DQ was there by other "lunch time" places. My co-workers and I will be going! To the person who didn't think it was newsworthy - many of us differ. :-) Woo hoo!
  • Posted by:
    rainfog on 05/30/2011 at 8:43 PM
    What about the people from the other side of the border who kill American ranchers and other citizens, and sell drugs to our family members, fill our prisons, spill into our borders with their drug wars, start and enlarge the street gangs, cause traffic accidents and deaths with uninsured cars, burn our flags while putting up their own, and spread hatred of Americans while taking advantage of them? There is a LOT more of that going on than there is illegal immigrants being "brutalized" by Americans. Let's stop the practice of scapegoating our governor and others who are trying to enforce our border security and save American lives as well as the lives of illegal immigrants.
  • Posted by:
    rainfog on 05/29/2011 at 10:20 PM
    I agree that people should educate themselves on what they are screaming about, or they look like fools. People who get stopped for violating laws ALREADY have to show their I.D. no matter who they are. Nothing there has changed. If they do not HAVE any ID and are taking advantage of our country illegally, then they are returned to their own country, whether it be Mexico, Canada, Cuba or otherwise. That is exactly how things should be or we'd be overrun by millions in a free-for-all race to cross the border. THEN let's see how much worse unemployment, prison counts, crowded schools and hospitals, gang presence, and economy will suffer.