The acting work of Edward Norton and Colin Farrell almost redeems this one, but not quite. Norton plays Ray, a New York City cop with a shaky past. When a friend is killed in the line of duty, he takes to the streets and learns some bad things about his brother, Francis (Noah Emmerich), and his brother-in-law, Jimmy (Farrell). This is a bad-cop drama that managed to keep me involved for about half of its running time, before it started to devolve into typical melodrama. Thats too bad, because Norton and Farrell can set the screen on fire just standing there, and its a drag when the material starts to let them down. It also allows Jon Voight one too many drunk scenes. The ending is, in a word, awful. When the film reaches its big finale, its a laugher. This was on the shelf for a long time, giving the impression that it was a piece of garbage. Its not; its just mediocre.