Maybe it’s because the rest of the field is so serious (and in foreign languages), but Curfew was a lot of fun. An unlikely story of a deadbeat uncle dragged out of the bathtub, where he had literally just slit his wrists, to watch his plucky young niece for the night, it’s funny, well acted, and prime material for a feature. The other shorts are all good; Curfew just stood out by being the easiest to digest. Buzkashi Boys, about boys and horses in a war-torn country, has some miraculous cinematography, beating Asad in the category of Foreign Films From a Child’s Point of View. Henry is a nice bookend for the Best Picture heavyweight, Amour, and Death of a Shadow is a strange (almost too strange) steampunk fantasy. Each is easy to recommend, and collectively, the Oscar-nominated shorts make for a great night out. But Curfew may just sneak up on you.