So anyway, it turns out that, if you take the historical view, Gene is responsible for this week's music article by Tucson's Fish Karma on former Dead Kennedy Jello Biafra.
It seems that some years ago Jello Biafra had gotten wind of Fish Karma's musical efforts; people with bizarre names must want to stick together. Anyway, one day when Gene was interviewing him, the good Mr. Biafra asked all about Fish Karma, and Gene was later able to pass along some contact information at a concert.
So the Fish Karma-Jello Biafra relationship began, and it culminates in this week's interview, wherein the not-so-mellow Jello complains freely about his abuse at the hands of his former bandmates.
That's just the last item in this week's odd assortment of distractions, ranging from Jewish environmental ethics to birthday greetings for Tucson's leading Family man. If you can sort all this out, have fun.