
Ah, that touch of autumn in the air--meaning the temperature remains over 100 but the humidity drops to zero. It also means the airwaves are filled with campaign spots, a handful of City Council candidates telling you again and again why they're swell, and they're not talking water weight.

There's only one way to put a stop to this: Vote in the coming primary election. That'll cut the number of candidates down to one per party per ward, at most. And in another two months, things will be so quiet you'll long for the return of Hank Lominac and Austin the ganga guy.

Yes, vote now and swell the ranks of good citizens beyond the mere 7,000 or so who are likely to cast their ballots in the primaries. True, this is not a very exciting campaign. It's free of outlandish characters, with only Jesse Lugo, the Growth Lobby's bag man, being likely to upset any right-thinking tree hugger. Still, there are one or two differences between the other candidates worth considering, and Jim Nintzel provides a guide in this week's issue.

And if you're not especially moved by this election, you have a choice to vote for something really immobile this week. It's time for the Architectural Landmarks balloting, in which you determine which two local historic and contemporary buildings deserve landmark status. You'll find this year's choices and instructions in the Arts section.