
Given our cover story about local services to the homeless, it seems almost insensitive to announce that the Tucson Weekly over the past few days has moved into a spiffy new home.

All the far-flung members of the local Wick Communications family--including a business weekly and a commercial printing operation--will now be gathered under a single roof at 180 E. Hemisphere Loop (at the corner of Palo Verde and Valencia).

Compared to downtown, this is not my idea of a pleasing neighborhood, unless you're in the market for a mobile home or junky fast food. But location won't make a difference to the writers, photographers and illustrators whose names and work you see in the Weekly. In this age of telecommuting and freelancing, they almost never darken our door anyway.

It probably won't make too much difference to you, either, unless you're in the habit of dropping off classified ads in person. Our phone and fax numbers will remain the same, as will our post office box and, of course, our e-mail addresses.

Over the past few weeks, unfortunately, preparations for the move have caused a cascade of technical screw-ups that have made it impossible for us to print movie times. First we prematurely lost our Internet connection, which is very bad because we compile the times with a Web-based system; then our fax line got into a mysterious death-and-resurrection cycle, meaning few theaters could send us their schedules.

We hope to have everything back up next week, but be warned: Early holiday deadlines will mean no movie times again on December 27 and January 3.