Id like to say that this is the worst film Ive ever seen, except that it feels more like a re-enactment of the worst film Ive ever seen. Ostensibly a Crazy College Comedy, VW2 contains every single clichéd character, shelf-worn set piece and contrived moment of every other college comedy, only without the laughs. Its as though the producers were utterly uninterested in entertainment, and instead opted for accuracy of representation. This film is to true comedy as a Civil War re-creation societys Battle of Gettysburg is to the real Battle of Gettysburg. Only here, its clear that absolutely no one had a good time. I urge you and everyone in the nation to see this so that Hollywood will make more films of this caliber, thus destroying the entire movie industry and leading to the destruction of the American economy. Maybe, after that, the world will no longer live in fear of the U.S. Army marching into their tiny countries and forcing them to watch films that were excreted from the cancerous bowels of bloated, semi-literate Southern Californians.