Member since Nov 11, 2010


  • Posted by:
    Mike from Bisbee on 01/07/2014 at 7:36 AM
    Curiouser and curiouser. Can Arizona politics get any more bizarre? Unfortunately the answer is yes.
  • Posted by:
    Mike from Bisbee on 12/31/2013 at 8:36 AM
    Yeah, Jimbo - atheists are real hateful - unlike fundamentalist Christians who are so loving and tolerant - like the Westboro Baptist Church, all Pentecostals, Pat "Chickenhawk" Robertson, the high priesthood of the holy mother church, and the Bob Jones followers. What twisted alternate universe are YOU living in? Oh, never mind.
  • Posted by:
    Mike from Bisbee on 05/27/2013 at 6:01 AM
    Arpaio has NOT done a fine job. He has been a poor administrator and a corrupt official. He has misused more than $90 million specifically earmarked for jail operations, diverting it to his dog and pony show immigration sweeps and other publicity generating activities. His department has failed to serve tens of thousands of warrants, leaving criminals free in Mariciopa County. He and his sex crimes detectives bungled a contract with El Mirage by failing to investigate more than 400 sex crimes (many involving children). he did such a poor job as an administrator that he was forced to fire three of his top subordinates (Hendershott, Fox and Black) for their malfeasance (at which point he claimed he had no knowledge of their wrongdoings despite his simultaneous claim of being a tough, hands-on sheriff). He and his jail management policies have cost Maricopa County many millions of dollars in payouts in court cases to plaintiffs. His entire management style is based on superficial, ineffectual actions intended to generate publicity for him and to convince those who are more impressed with style than substance that he is "tough on crime" when he is not. Last but not least, he and disgraced, disbarred former Maricopa County attorney Andrew Thomas attempted to subvert and pervert the entire governmental system in Maricopa County by attempting (unsuccessfully) to coerce and intimidate judges and members of the board of supervisors. When confronted with his actions during disbarment hearings for Thomas and his flunkies, Arpaio claimed ignorance and lack of memory. America's self-proclaimed toughest sheriff is a megalomaniac, a coward and a bully who cynically panders to the fears and prejudices of those unable or unwilling to look at his real record. Arpaio is not even a pimple on Clarence Dupnik's ass. And Bisbee Boy, you are probably ignorant of the fact that Sheriff Dupnik, who does not pathetically crave media attention like Arpaio, is a Bisbee native. I'm not surprised that you would not know that, since you prefer superficial publicity stunts to genuine, effective law enforcement.
  • Posted by:
    Mike from Bisbee on 02/09/2013 at 6:46 AM
    Re: “Sit Down on 12th
    Tucson does indeed have great Mexican food. That most of it's Sonoran is a reflection of geography and history. I can remember getting a frosted mug of A&W root beer off the tray attached to our Ford Falcon at that 12th Ave. location back in the day.
  • Posted by:
    Mike from Bisbee on 11/21/2012 at 8:43 AM
    There are those who do not understand irony, subtlety and satire and there are those who appreciate Fitz. The two groups are evidently mutually exclusive.
  • Posted by:
    Mike from Bisbee on 11/18/2012 at 9:49 PM
    Ron Barber will do a good job of representing everyone in southeast Arizona. The radical right and left might not agree but that is not relevant.
  • Posted by:
    Mike from Bisbee on 11/15/2012 at 7:40 AM
    Thanks for showing Weekly readers that small town life is alive and well beyond the limits of metro Tucson and Phoenix. I would like to suggest that a great getaway weekend is to find a good game - whatever is in season - between two small-town schools, travel there and sit in the home team stands, cheering on the local team. My wife and I have done that in places as far away as Moloka'i (where the high school snack bar serves Saimin) and it's a blast. We are long-time expatriates from Tucson and one of the great pleasures in our life is to walk to Warren Ballpark here in Bisbee and watch the Pumas play whoever is in town. Win or lose, small town athletic events are an enriching, pleasurable experience. Thanks for the story.