Member since Jun 29, 2010


  • Posted by:
    MichelleMoz on 06/29/2010 at 9:27 PM
    Re: “Unhealthy Horses
    It is not only about giving an animal "adequate care". These animals are being bred for the sole purpose of training students and being sold to the racing community. They are being treated as commodoties. As the article states, Ms Glore was invited to the UofA facility by someone on the inside. She didnt barge in and demand a sick foal. She didnt activly look for an injured horse to spend tons of money on. She stepped in when asked to and stepped up to do what was right by this baby. I am sure that there are valualbe teachings going on at the UofA. I am certain that many people who work with the horses (and goats and cats) at the UofA farms do a wonderful and loving job. I wonder however, that if it would serve the UofA and the entire community better, if the breeding program became a book only part of the curriculum and the hands on learning could be done in veternary centers and perhaps with some of the rescue agencies that take on so many throw offs from the racing community. It could be a win win situation.