Member since Jul 15, 2016


  • Posted by:
    Michael Hackmer on 07/15/2016 at 2:10 PM
    Both the Democratic and Republican Party platforms on education are weak, and do nothing to address the structural problems with our current public education system.

    What is needed at this juncture is a separate system along side the existing system. A system with a completely different curriculum, a focus on personalized learning, project-based assessment and simulation, and connections to apprenticeship.

    Our current system is too powerful and too tightly balanced in an equilibrium of forces - you cannot change one without the others rebelling against the change.

    Also, the industrial era structure of standardization and mass-schooling no longer fits with a population that is wants to have more control of what, when, where, and how it learns. Everything about education and learning needs to change. The only way to do it is to start over with a new model that does not have the current system's constraints.