Member since Aug 18, 2011


  • Posted by:
    Melinda Masi on 07/23/2016 at 7:43 AM
    I appreciate your story Patti(I'm assuming this "comment" is for you rather than the organizers -tho I can appreciate their work too). I have been briefly homeless I've had friends in homelessness, I've worked in a supportive housing program for formerly homeless families. So i'm familiar with the aspect of being homeless that renders you, me, anyone who's homeless - our humanity especially- invisible while simultaneously exposing us to the harsh & constant visibility of judgement & all too often the disdain and blame that accompany this dehumanizing impact of poverty in America. I wish you the best of luck in your desire and ambition to participate in revealing the real that lives in the reality of being poor & homeless in our country. I will be thinking about potential collaborations we can do across state boundaries (I'm in San Francisco).