
A Fan of Danehy Jumps to His Defense

I am not a "letters to the editor" kind of guy. In fact, this is the first time I've written one, because the shot at Tom Danehy in the Jan. 13 issue ("Danehy Needs to Stop Writing Boring Columns and Get Back to His Sports Roots" Mailbag) just won't leave me alone.

That writer finds Danehy's articles "dull." There are those of us who don't feel that way. Danehy's work is an enjoyable balance of intelligence and wit, whether or not one agrees with what he has to say.

The letter suggested that Danehy stick to sports-writing. If this were to happen, I would still read his column, even though I have less than zero interest in sports. In my opinion, Danehy definitely is, to use the words of that Jan. 13 letter, "a reason ... to pick up the paper."

David Schafer

Thanks for the Memories, 17th Street

On Thursday, Jan. 13, I attended the final Thursday morning drum circle at the 17th Street Market. I discovered "The Circle" almost three years ago, thanks to this newspaper. I was hooked by the warm, generous spirit of the people and kept coming back to be a small part of the magical noise that we made together.

I understand the need to explore more profitable uses for the space and just wanted to let everyone involved know that this little drummer girl (the one who's always smiling) will be forever grateful.

Mary Schroeder


In "Tricks of the Trade," (Visual Arts, Jan. 27), we wrote that artist Vytas Sakalas is a "local artist not in the (University of Arizona Museum of Art) collection." In fact, the museum does own two Sakalas works, although they're not in The Aesthetic Code. In addition, the correct spelling for one of the artworks described is "Atmansphere," not "Atmanshere."

We apologize for the errors.