Member since Sep 3, 2015


  • Posted by:
    Lisa 1 on 09/03/2015 at 9:11 AM
    This is wonderful news. Not one naysayer here has been in the position of having a terminal disease to which the end was an indescribable hell.
    Not only do they have to face the fact that their time on earth has an expiration date that is near, but that their final hours will be riddled with other torturous effects like pains so bad that even the strongest of drugs barely take the edge off. Nausea 24/7that no drugs touch. Incessant vomiting and diarrhea that no drugs touch. Seizures,weakness,inability to eat, bath, stand, walk, use the toilet and literally become a prisoner held hostage by your own body.
    Oh yeah, and then disease that is the cause of this hell on earth.
    No one should be forced to suffer and lose every last grain of dignity in the process.
    Thank you, Bisbee. Thank you for showing compassion and understanding. Thank you for giving people the ability to have a voice when their bodies have turned against them, and for allowing them to die with dignity.