Member since Jun 5, 2012


  • Posted by:
    Ken Boe on 01/26/2013 at 4:42 PM
    Re: “Delectables
    Time has been changed on Thursday, February 7th, to 2PM for the reading of "Imagination, Fast and Flow" and then I'll be taking down the show.
  • Posted by:
    Ken Boe on 10/04/2012 at 10:54 AM
    You who brag from the right on Romney's debate performance, you didn't notice he abandoned your flank?

    Romney raised the dark art of flip flopping to demonic new levels.
  • Posted by:
    Ken Boe on 10/03/2012 at 2:03 PM
    Though I appreciate her service, and the sexism she endured in order to serve, my Republican buddies don't do it with a clever, even useful trope like this ad. They actually just do it, and are the kind she probably encountered in the military, not Democrats. I think more books, and less bullets, would have served her better, and she would probably be a Democrat.
  • Posted by:
    Ken Boe on 10/03/2012 at 1:53 PM
    Romney tried to make the Libya tragedy into an "October Surprise", and Brewer is trying to do the same with the Naco tragedy. Interesting how the right wing media tried to attack the administration for suggesting the embassy incident was terrorist related, and now that it looks like it is, are trying to attack the administration for saying it was over the crazy right-wing movie that was used to foment the unrest, as if they can change the history of their reactions at the drop of a hat. But they have found they can say anything and the choir will keep on singing. Will it turn out that the Border Patrol was fired upon by an unexpected party? People need to grieve and let the facts come out, if possible, for you never know what unexpected elements behind a situation may be, but what you do know is that two children and a wife have lost their hero, and that is more important than politics, including my own.
  • Posted by:
    Ken Boe on 06/05/2012 at 4:29 PM
    Until America realizes that they need visionaries from the arts to lead them, and until the visionaries from the arts get their act together, uptightness will grout the imagination of urban development where the sun was supposed to shine in, and our cities will continue to be only bureaucratic caricatures of themselves.