Member since Mar 21, 2015


  • Posted by:
    Joe Bloom on 07/09/2016 at 11:52 AM
    A picture and quote from a fool who also was elected to Tucson Council, no surprise here. She hasn't ever met a real payroll in her life. If passed, another reason for businesses to close and not locate to the rapidly building Socialist Republic of Tucson, Pima County and if we let them Arizona. Besides, just because it is on the ballot, further wasting Taxpayer $$, doesn't require the State Legislature to follow through. So let them make more jobs leave Tucson for other townships, except for the developers shills in OV Town, never have seen another edifice, failing golf club nor town Taj Mahal (read "Center") they haven't voted to approve.
  • Posted by:
    Joe Bloom on 06/21/2016 at 7:44 PM
    Not undocumented, just one of the up to 1 million that have overstayed the open border that ICE has allowed for illegally allowing them to violate tourist visas! Just like most of the 9/11 terrorists. Soon they will arrive from European masses of refugees too. Oh. illegals don't beget terror do they Maria!

    Gun control laws would have worked well if this slime was able to steal the black lives matter intimidated Police at the Rally.

    Maybe they can all camp out in your house too..
  • Posted by:
    Joe Bloom on 06/18/2016 at 6:54 PM
    Re: “Editor's Note
    I just bought more ammo and another weapon for protection. Filling the safe over time. So are others and thanks to Dems stock values for Mfrs. are increasing greatly.
  • Posted by:
    Joe Bloom on 06/18/2016 at 6:50 PM
    Re: “Guest Commentary
    TEP Bills and all other utilities will continue to rise as a subsidy to unsustainable and uneconomic alternatives. Next the Dems/Libs will propose carbon offset taxes, these along with national policy will further take $$ from your pockets for energy in the range of 45-70% over the next 5-7 years. This will help the standard of living in Tucson how?
    Of course Lawyer/Liars like the Mayor will not feel this cost at all in their rarefied neighborhoods behind security gates! Just compare our current costs to other countries that have adopted these policies in Europe and the Commonwealth.
  • Posted by:
    Joe Bloom on 06/18/2016 at 10:19 AM
    The Caricature looks more like the screaming crone Hillary, err, Liary! Good job in capturing her essence Jim!
  • Posted by:
    Joe Bloom on 06/14/2016 at 12:40 PM
    Hey Maria---you left out "Q" and "I" in your LBGT, You must be phobic!
  • Posted by:
    Joe Bloom on 06/08/2016 at 2:00 PM
    Speaking of double talk and dog whistles.

    Spending is up actually, but a rational approach is to curtail the rate of increase in spending. Looking at Pima County (TUSD) ask how many parents vote with their feet as they enroll their kids in non-TUSD higher preforming schools as TUSD do not improve in the face of ever increasing property taxes and about $25+ million spent on illegal alien kids not born in the US nor without a single US born parent. No accountability is accepted by Safier and his ilk expect more money to be paid by every taxpayer. Note that teacher pay comparisons with other western states are meaningless as the cost of living in AZ for now is much lower than those comparative banana Republics.

    Nice try Safier, but some rationality needs to be injected into this nearly bankrupt nation with no end in sight to tax more, spend more on entitled "victim"s.