Member since Feb 25, 2010


  • Posted by:
    jimmy bigballs on 02/25/2010 at 9:04 PM
    Re: “Getting the Ax
    To "superfan" It is obviously YOU who doesn’t get the point. The media will print anything that they deem sensational. You have only heard one side of the story. A story from people who got complacent in their jobs and once they were called to the carpet they decided to roll over and play victim. All I have to say is that all of these people claim to be wronged and I am sure in today’s environment that couldn’t be further from the truth. Some may have a legitimate complaint. But I'm sure that most are just whiners. I have seen it time and time again. Companies change with the times, but senior employees think "I have done it this way for years I'm not going to change". As far as I'm concerned your ass should be fired if you are not willing to grow. If you notice all of theses people who have been with the company for 20+ years have not been promoted. You should ask yourself, why did they only start complaining once they were fired? That’s because they want to be Victims. And I’m sure they, like 80% of this country are looking for a payday. As for image; have you been in to a Wal-Mart? That is probably the nastiest store I have ever walked into. I refuse to shop there because of its image.
  • Posted by:
    jimmy bigballs on 02/25/2010 at 7:14 PM
    Re: “Getting the Ax
    All of these people just want to play the victim. You need to stand up and take accountability for your own actions. I have heard all of this so many times it makes me sick. Our society as a whole has become so useless it is disgusting. If any of these people did their jobs well, they would still work for the company that they were employed by. People think once the have seniority with a company the rules no longer apply to them. So they scream discrimination. Well I say STOP WHINING & TAKE RESPONSIBILITY FOR YOUR SELF. If you lose your job and you are good at what you do u can easily get a job somewhere else for some what comparable wages.