Member since Jun 16, 2015


  • Posted by:
    Jim Heffner on 06/17/2015 at 1:31 AM
    KO, ignorance is the lack of information, while stupidity is being proud of that state. I'll cop to ignorance any day before stupidity. My disrespect for unjust and thoughtless laws is deliberate. So explain my ignorance. Civil disobedience is an old American tradition that has helped form our present state of government. I'll match my understanding on many subjects with yours but especially on 'Human Rights'. Now since you obviously do not feel positively about ignorance, why don't you educate yourself and correct your deficiencies such as your English vocabulary, the history of Civil Disobedience, and American history.
  • Posted by:
    Jim Heffner on 06/16/2015 at 2:49 AM
    But, but, but......what about the Rabbits? Poor bunnies can't decarboxylate their weed. I just love it when DEA agents have to think on their feet. They say the stupidest things. All the negatives are coulds and might bes not hard facts.
    The quibbling over Cannabis legalization is so useless. You don't have to be Nostradamus to see the trends in people's attitudes about Cannabis. The 80 years of prohibition is a pimple to the 12,000 years of human use and the flow of history will soon put it all in perspective. The obstructionists are just a morph of the prohibitionists who are very poor losers. The next generation will have a heard time grasping the uselessness and ignorance of the War On Drugs. Nannies belong in the nursery and not trying to control the lives of people.