Hedwig is the best movie about
failed transexuality to feature songs about
Platos Symposium ever made by
humans. Hedwig is a German
glam-rocker who traded in her penis for a
ticket to America. Tommy Gnosis is her
illicit baby-faced boy ex-lover who has
stolen her songs and made himself
famous in her stead. Lots of hot rocks
from someone whos had his surgically
removed and lots of rocking hotness from
director/writer/star John Cameron Mitchell
make this a cult movie that you dont have
to join a cult to enjoy. However, if you do
want to join a cult, the Loft will be showing
Hedwig with concomitant
performances by a live cast. So go see it
now before it gets all Rocky Horror
and fills up with formerly thin goth kids
and their sad-eyed, asexual lovers.