Head Trauma

Director Lance Weiler’s previous film, The Last Broadcast, got some notoriety when The Blair Witch Project came out a year later and seemingly ripped off Last Broadcast’s basic concept. With Head Trauma, he returns to the ultra-low-budget horror genre and produces an incredibly creepy movie about a haunted house, a drunken drifter and a ghost who wears a parka. Yes. A parka. Plus, it makes terrifying use of a Jack Chick comic, rumbling bass tones and wet hair. While this is hardly high-quality cinema, horror is a genre that is sometimes best served by budget constraints, amateur performers and not-so-special effects. The ending could have been a little less neat, and the acting is uneven, but Head Trauma is nonetheless a pretty good re-creation of 1960s/1970s horror, a time when filmmakers had to rely on psychological thrills instead of CGI monsters.

Head Trauma is not showing in any theaters in the area.

Cast information not available at this time.
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