Member since Feb 17, 2011


  • Posted by:
    HalleyMac on 03/09/2020 at 11:10 AM
    Re: “High Anxiety
    Is this change substantial enough to still need a 3/4 supermajority, given that it's a voter-passed initiative? Or does it just need a 51% since it's not completely overturning it?
  • Posted by:
    HalleyMac on 07/31/2012 at 1:54 PM
    Re: “Danehy

    Do you beileve it to be possible that this woman was in Tucson on vacation? Do you speak the language everywhere you travel to? More to the point, just because she doesn't speak English does not necessarily mean that she is here illegally, or is on welfare, or is doing anything detrimental other than purchasing American goods and paying Arizonan sales taxes. If you want to be anti-immigrant, there are certainly arguments to be made for that opinion, but in this case, you seem to be making a judgment based solely on a language difference.
  • Posted by:
    HalleyMac on 02/17/2011 at 5:21 PM
    I'm a little confused... I read this three times and it still sounds to me as though Obama found the loophole that Jan Brewer was looking for. "(The Obama administration) found a loophole that allows the state to get out (I'm assuming "of" was supposed to go here?) providing health insurance to most of the population that Brewer wants to dump." did the administration win if Jan Brewer is "counting on" the loophole that it found?

    A wee clarification, please, Nintz? :)