Member since Jul 11, 2010


  • Posted by:
    gramma on 08/06/2010 at 12:32 AM
    Re: “The Skinny
    Interestingly enough, Terri, isn't the only one running for office who has never voted in a primary. Jesse Kelly who is running for the CD8 House of Representative seat has never voted in a primary either--let along a Republican one, since he was an Independent until he decided to run for the CD8 seat.
  • Posted by:
    gramma on 07/11/2010 at 11:23 AM
    Re: “The Right Stuff
    I have said on several posts--it is time for supporters of candidates and candidates to stop and face reality. The goal in the beginning of this campaign was to 'Beat Gabby Giffords'.

    Of the 4 remaining candidates, Jonathan Paton is the only one Gabby and the Dems are trailing--because they know he is the only one capable of beating her in November. Jesse Kelly will look like he sides with her when it comes to stimulus, she voted for it and he takes advantage of it. I believe she will have a field day with him.

    Brian Miller's stance on Afghanistan, in my opinion, is his achilles heel. There are a HUGE number of veterans and seniors who will take exception to his policies--those folks are a giant part of the electorate.

    Quite frankly, I know little about Jay Quick. So that should be enough said, as I don't think may people know much about him.

    Gabby was re-elected in 2008 because her voting record was not so bad as to replace her. Since 2008, maybe she felt comfortable to do whatever she wanted (or maybe she really wants to live in her home in Houston) her voting record 'stinks'.

    Jonathan Paton is being attacked for his voting record of several years ago--but when attackers are given the opportunity to ask Jonathan about it they say they already have the answers-when in fact not 2 hours before, they stated he wouldn't answer the questions. OK-let's look at his record in the last legislative session. You know 'what have you done lately'.