George Romero, director of the original Night of the Living Dead, returns to his roots with an ultra-low-budget, no-names story about the first three days of the zombie apocalypse. Filmmaker Jason Creed (Joshua Close) and a handful of his friends are making a mummy movie in the woods of Pennsylvania. Then they hear reports of dead people doing the sorts of things that only live people do, like walking around and eating human flesh and voting in primaries. Soon, theyre on a cross-Pennsylvania chase, running not only from the freshly deceased, but also from the hordes of displaced living people who have been reduced to jungle-law brutality. The entire film is presented as the work of these young videographers, and there is a lot of shaky, handheld camera, à la Blair Witch Project. Its mildly annoying at first, but with Romeros minimalist approach, it creates a deeper sense of horror, involvement and reality than a screen full of CGI monsters chewing on the faces of Lindsay Lohan, Angelina Jolie and Rob Schneider, wholl be seen together in the upcoming Mom, My Zombies Got an Erection! While this is not Romeros best film, it is probably his second-best and well worth checking out for its pointed commentary on video culture, mainstream media and the DIY future. Also, for the chewy, delicious flesh-eating as only the master can do it.